EasySlide For turning and positioning in bed and for sitting transfers from bed to wheelchair; three sizes for active users.
Disposable cover, EasySlide Accessory for EasySlide. Disposable plastic covers for EasySlide provide for improved hygiene and less laundry.
Protective cover, EasySlide Accessory for EasySlide. Most models and sizes of EasySlide can be fitted with a replaceable protective cover for improved hygiene.
MoveMaster For sitting transfers to and from bed, wheelchair, toilet and commode and for positioning in bed.
EasySlide, 190 x 60 For supine transfers to and from beds, x-ray or operating tables, shower trolleys and stretchers, but also for turning in bed or on x-ray or operating tables .
Locking strap, EasySlide Accessory/spare part for EasySlide sliding mats with fastening straps; EasySlide 1420, 1430, 1470, 1480.
WallRack WallRack provides for convenient storing of sliding mats and disposable covers for RollerSlide and EasySlide.
ReadySlide For supine transfers, seated positioning and application of lifting slings in a seated position.