OxygenTankHolder OxygenTankHolder Accessory for RoWalker400 RoWalker400 is a unique, ergonomically designed walking aid for early mobilization, specifically for cardio-thoracic and abdominal post surgical users. RoWalker400 features integration for oxygen, drain bags and IV poles. OxygenTankHolder, which is available as an accessory, enable convenient use of an oxygen tank during walking training. OxygenTankHolder is available in both right and left side variants. Send a messageName*Email* Country*MessageNameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
Model specification Documents Model specificationArt. no.7020005970200060NameOxygenTankHolderOxygenTankHolderDescriptionRight, complete with locking handlesLeft, complete with locking handlesUnit11PatentDescriptionRight, complete with locking handlesLeft, complete with locking handles DocumentsDocument nameTypeSize Instruction for mounting EN, 261 KB Care instructions (multilingual) 2 MB Safety information (multilingual) 2 MB Product catalogue SystemRoMedic EN INT